An accidental blow to the mouth can sometimes exert enough force to knock out or severely fracture a tooth. In these moments emergency treatment might call for extracting whatever remains of the tooth’s root to allow the gums to heal properly. Many of these treatment plans also include prescription pain medications, which will need to be taken as directed.
Once the affected oral tissues have fully healed, you should consider setting up an appointment with a dentist like Dr. Mehrdad Safavian. After an essential examination he will help you understand your dental restoration options.
In some of these cases a dental bridge restoration is the preferred option for replacing the missing closest to the void left. The remaining core structure of each tooth will act as anchoring abutments for your eventual dental bridge.
When it’s ready, Mehrdad Safavian will cement your dental bridge onto the abutments with a special type of dental adhesive to complete the dental restoration process. With consistent oral hygiene habits and regular attendance of your dental checkups, you can expect it to serve you for many long years to come.
If you live in the Dublin, Ohio, area and you have recently lost a tooth, you should call (614) 789-9000 to learn more about the dental restoration options offered by the oral care specialists at Avery Dental Center.