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Home Can you Chew Gum with Invisalign?

Can you Chew Gum with Invisalign?

Posted on 8/1/2023 by Office at Avery Dental Center
Invisalign clear aligners in a containerMany orthodontic patients choose Invisalign clear aligners over traditional braces because of the many benefits. These benefits include comfort, convenience, and invisibility among others. Plus, you won’t have to worry about emergency visits to the clinic due to broken brackets and wires.

Another major benefit of Invisalign clear aligners is that they are removable. This means that you don’t have to give up your favorite chewy or crunchy foods. One of the major treats that people don’t enjoy giving up is gum.

Chewing gum is a favorite pastime for many people. Unfortunately, chewing gum with traditional braces can make a mess as well as damage the braces. The good news is, according to Dr. Safavian and the team at Avery Dental Center in Dublin, Ohio, you can chew gum during Invisalign treatment– as long as you take the aligners out first.

Different Types of Gum

There are lots of different types of gums on the market today. They are divided into two broad categories: healthy and unhealthy.

Healthy Chewing Gum

Most of the gums on the market today are full of preservatives, plastic, synthetic rubbers, and emulsifiers. While most of the laboratory studies indicate that these are safe for humans, it’s probably best to avoid them in favor of healthy gum.

You will find that there are plenty of healthy chewing gums on the market that are considered clean and/or natural. While the FDA has not defined what constitutes “clean” gum, there are some qualities to keep in mind.

First of all, clean gum does not contain artificial sweeteners and it is organic and free of allergens. If you are interested in a different base, you may want to consider looking for gum that contains chicle, which is a bark that was used in the 1950s as a gum base.

Finally, when considering sweeteners, look for natural sugar alcohols such as erythritol or xylitol instead of artificial sweeteners.

Unhealthy Chewing Gum

The unhealthiest gums on the market are those that contain sugar due to the many health conditions associated with consuming too much sugar. Sugar increases plaque buildup and leads to tooth decay.

Gums containing artificial sweeteners are much better for tooth health. However, it’s best to check which sweetener is in your gum. One of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners is aspartame. However, it has been proven to cause/contribute to a variety of health problems. If these are an issue, stick to gums that are made with natural sugar alcohols.

Can I Chew Gum With Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners should always be removed when eating or drinking, which means it’s also best to take them out when you are chewing gum. Gum can get stuck inside of the aligners and the extra saliva produced when chewing gum can stain your aligners and/or your teeth.

However, according to the team at Avery Dental Center, this does not mean that you can’t chew gum when wearing your aligners. There are some things that you can keep in mind:

Precautions While Chewing Gum With Invisalign

There are lots of reasons that people chew gum. For some, it is to help them quit smoking, while others chew gum to help with weight loss- it keeps them from eating so much. In some cases, it helps fight the symptoms of acid reflux and relieves nausea.

Therefore, it may not be the easiest thing to give up during orthodontic treatment. The good news is that you may not have to if you keep the following in mind:
•  Avoid gums made with sugar because this facilitates the growth of bacteria, which leads to cavities and tooth decay
•  Never keep your aligners out for longer than instructed. If you do, you could damage your aligners, delay treatment, or cause pain
•  Instead of chewing gum, suck on mints that work well with clear aligners

Schedule Your Invisalign Consultation Today

If you have mild to moderate dental malocclusion and you want to learn more about Invisalign treatment options, schedule your consultation with the team at Avery Dental Center. Dr. Safavian and the team are happy to work with you to create your perfect smile.

We are located on Avery-Muirfield Drive in Dublin. We are open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. We are closed on Thursday. However, we are available on Saturdays for emergencies.

Invisalign FAQs

If you ever have any questions or concerns about Invisalign treatment, Dr. Safavian and the team at Avery Dental Center will be happy to address them. Below are some of the most common questions that we’ve gotten about Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign ruined my teeth, is this true?

There are a handful of people out there who claim that Invisalign ruined their teeth- but as long as you follow protocol, you should not have any problems. This includes brushing and flossing as directed, wearing your aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day, removing the aligners when eating, and more.

How does Invisalign work?

During your initial consultation, the dentist will create a mold or digital scan of your teeth, which will be used to fabricate your aligners. The aligners will be created in a sequence that starts with a slight variation on the current placement of teeth. Then, the remainder of the aligners are made in the same way.

They fit snugly against your teeth, which gradually shifts them into their appropriate position.

Does Invisalign hurt?

Some patients experience mild discomfort when wearing the aligners, especially when they are just getting started with treatment or when they first switch to a new aligner. This should not be extreme and it should not last more than a few days. If either of those factors applies, you should contact the dentist right away, as you could have something serious happening with your teeth.

Can Invisalign fix an overbite?

Yes, research has proven Invisalign to be effective for resolving most mild to moderate overbites, as well as other malocclusions.

Is Invisalign worth it?

There are a few disadvantages associated with Invisalign clear aligners. However, the advantages far outweigh these disadvantages- and the cost is comparable to that of traditional braces. Therefore, Invisalign is more than worth it.

Can you eat with Invisalign?

Any time you eat or drink anything at all besides water, you should remove the aligners from your mouth.
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Contact Avery Dental Center in Dublin, OH for questions or appointments. Call (380) 257-1684 or email
Avery Dental Center - Dr Mehrdad Safavian, 6750 Avery Muirfield Dr, Suite B, Dublin, OH 43017 ~ (380) 257-1684 ~ ~ 3/15/2025 ~ Tags: dentist Dublin OH ~